Nuffield-BP Business and Economics for GCSE, second edition

Nuffield-BP Business and Economics for GCSE, second editionThese two complementary titles have been updated by the Nuffield team. They build on the very successful first editions and link directly into the Nuffield-BP course. This is a unique GCSE in that it links the essential principles of economics and business in an interesting and accessible way.

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Forum on business & economics
Forum on business & economicsMIS Conceptions & Misconceptions The strategic and operational importance of information technologies in modern organizations increased dramatically in the last half of the twentieth century, and this expansion is continuing apace into the twenty-first. Accordingly,

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German-U.S. labor economics. - Labor, Business and
German-U.S. labor economics. - Labor, Business andThis collection of articles explores the feasibility of mutual learning `on the ground' between two nations competing in a global market. It is the result of a 2-year German-American project.

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14-19 green paper - implications for business and economics,
14-19 green paper - implications for business and economics,Over the last fifteen years, educationalists with an interest in the 14 - 19 age group have experienced both a renaissance (under TVEI) and also a dark age (in the heyday of the National Curriculum). The issue of 'what to do' between the years of 14 and 19 is now firmly back on the agenda,

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Projecting success: creating a business as your class project

Projecting success: creating a business as your class project

Want to start a business and get college credit too? Do it as a class project. In a college setting, you get feedback and can revise your plan. Some students even take it a step further, turning their projects into real-life businesses.

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Business situation: Preliminary

Business situation: Preliminary PRODUCTION in the United States surged in the first quarter of 2002, while final sales slowed, according to the "preliminary" estimates of the national income and product accounts (NIPA's).

EBR: the next step: enhanced

EBR: the next step: enhanced ENHANCED BUSINESS REPORTING (EBR) WILL IMPROVE the quality of information companies provide so investors can make better decisions about a company's situation and prospects.

Information technology in the

Information technology in the Information Technology (IT) can be defined as a collection of individual technology components that are typically organized into computer-based information systems. Information technology has changed the way the world does business.

Consultant's registry - an

Consultant's registry - an For those of who regularly check NABE's web site, this is old news, but for everyone else you need to know that NABE has an offer priced right for you. NABE is waiving the annual set-up fee for including your company in the NABE's Registry until June 2000.

The business; Adam Smith's

The business; Adam Smith's The Home Office really should scrap the emergency services number, 999. It's a disgrace that a government intent on introducing choice into every area of life from hospitals to schools has left the British public with no other option in a crisis but dreary, familiar, old-fashioned 999.